The AI & Human Rights Index is a global research collaborative focused on how artificial intelligence (AI) can violate or advance human rights. It is published by All Tech Is Human and the AI Ethics Lab at Rutgers University.
Editors from three continents are working with contributors from around the world to develop this comprehensive legal framework, which will serve as guiding principles for evaluating AI’s impact on human rights across societal sectors.
This open-source platform maps AI’s influence to international laws and instruments, ensuring accountability for safeguarding rights throughout AI’s lifecycle.
The Index emphasizes harm prevention (nonmaleficence) and measurably good outcomes (beneficence), charging societal sectors with ensuring AI benefits humanity and the environment. For instance, Index researchers apply a Solutions Scholarship methodology to interrogate and critique AI and commit to identifying measurable solutions for every problem analyzed, embedding solutions-focused research into each article.
Ultimately, the Index fosters technical, cultural, and legal literacy about how AI intersects with human rights through multimedia encyclopedia entries accessible to the public.
In advancing this mission, the Index is organized around the following research questions.
Which specific human rights are most at risk and which ones could AI benefit? What cultural contexts and regional approaches to human rights are used to interpret these risks?
What ethics, guiding principles help create responsible AI? How do these principles intersect with laws and professional codes of practice across industries?
What international laws and frameworks can be used to assess AI’s impact on human rights at every stage of its lifecycle—from development and deployment to monitoring?
Which sectors of society, across all cultures, are responsible for ensuring that AI systems protect and promote human rights?
What legal, technical, and ethical terms are essential for engaging in this interdisciplinary, global conversation about responsible AI?
Nathan C. Walker, Dirk Brand, Caitlin Corrigan, Georgina Curto Rex, Alexander Kriebitz, Kanshukan Rajaratnam, and Tanya de Villiers-Botha, eds. AI & Human Rights Index. New York: All Tech is Human; Camden, NJ: AI Ethics Lab at Rutgers University, 2025.
Dr. Nathan C. Walker
Principal Investigator, AI Ethics Lab
Rutgers University-Camden
College of Arts & Sciences
Department of Philosophy & Religion
AI Ethics Lab at the Digital Studies Center
Johnson Park Walt Whitman Building
143 Cooper St, Camden, NJ 08102
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